Insights Archives.

Dogs of Rayman Harris
Sarah Spitz Sarah Spitz

Dogs of Rayman Harris

At Rayman Harris LLP we are fortunate to have a dog friendly office space. While our dogs may just seem like fun companions to have around, they also provide many benefits to our work environment. For one, these furry friends help reduce our stress levels and create a welcoming atmosphere for clients and colleagues alike.

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Firm Event Gallery
Sarah Spitz Sarah Spitz

Firm Event Gallery

Over the years, we’ve tried to find new and creative ways to spend time with colleagues and build relationships outside the office. From paint night, to iron chef competitions and boat rides in the Lake Ontario harbour, here is a collection of our favourite memories from our firm’s events.

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The Supreme Court Expands on Test for Constructive Takings

The Supreme Court Expands on Test for Constructive Takings

The regulation of private property is a natural and incidental part of governance, particularly municipal governance, in Canada. Land is subject to designations under municipal plans, to zoning by-laws, and to other conditions imposed by regulation. However, as the Supreme Court of Canada recently affirmed, where such regulations go so far as to deprive the owner of the use and enjoyment of its property in a substantial and unreasonable way, the government body must compensate the owner for this constructive taking.

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