Brynn Leger

Brynn Leger is a partner at Rayman Harris LLP. She has appeared before the Divisional Court, Superior Court, and Small Claims Court, as well as various administrative tribunals, including the Ontario Land Tribunal, Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, and the Landlord and Tenant Board. Her practice currently focuses on expropriation law, assisting landowners through all stages of the expropriation process.

Brynn has represented a variety of expropriated owners and tenants, including multinational corporations, municipalities, small businesses, and individuals. Brynn is a dedicated and pragmatic advocate, who seeks to understand her clients’ needs and wishes while ensuring a fulsome understanding of the process with clear communication.

Brynn is a strong proponent of mediation and alternative dispute resolution approaches. She is a skilled negotiator who has participated in dozens of private and Tribunal-led mediations.

Prior to practicing expropriation law with Rayman Harris, Brynn articled at a small full-service firm in Toronto which specialized in charities, not-for-profits and co-operatives. Brynn graduated in the top 8% of her class at Osgoode Hall Law School. She earned a course award and was selected as a Dean’s Fellow for the Civil Procedure course. Brynn participated in the Poverty Law Intensive Program at Parkdale Community Legal Services, where she represented clients in employment and human rights cases.

Before entering law school, Brynn completed a Bilingual Honours Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, with a Certificate of Law and Social Thought from Glendon College, York University.

Outside of work, Brynn is a passionate musician who loves to sing and play guitar around Toronto.